We are extremely proud of our Property Catalogue. That being said, as a firm operating in the highest levels of luxury, we understand the significance of discretion and confidentiality.
Therefore, most of what we do is behind closed curtains, and so, we work most of our exclusive high value properties off market.
We warmly invite you to contact us regarding any property you may be looking for and will certainly be able to help you find your dream property, or sell one of your current ones.
By phone or by email (We advise WhatsApp, given its high security) Tiago Toste +33 6 69 62 66 45 tiago.toste@toste.world (French, English and Spanish) Sandra Toste tiago.toste@toste.world sandra.demenezestoste@toste.world (English and Portuguese)
Toste Property Consulting
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